itch dj academy

5 Modern Skills Every New DJ Should Have

Digital DJ equipment
Today's DJ environment has changed so much from 'two decks and a mixer', and a new DJ needs a very different set of skills from even 10 years ago.

Technology has changed so much since I first started DJing with turntables and vinyl, that it’s an almost unrecognisable environment out there today for a new DJ – and I’m only comparing this to 10 years ago! Nowadays, the basic skills needed to get anywhere (and I’m talking just to get to your first few gigs, never mind making a part or full-time living out of this game) are very different. In order to stay current and competitive, being able to turn up at your local record store on delivery day and knowing how to beatmatch really won’t get you far any more.

So if you’ve not yet started out as a DJ yet but are considering it, here are the five skills that I consider today’s DJ needs to stay current and competitive. Feel free to disagree with me or add your own at the end!